caroline thanh huong

caroline thanh huong


vendredi 12 juillet 2013

Thực phẩm phòng và trị ung thư

Thực phẩm phòng và trị ung thư 
Foods to prevent and to fight cancer


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The five food groups include grains and starches, fruits, vegetablesmeats and protein foods,  milk and dairy (
Grains and starches include bread, pasta, rice, and cereal, and they provide our bodies with carbohydrates and B vitamins that our bodies use for energy.
Fruits and Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, which include antioxidants (cancer fighting compounds). Fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw, cooked, canned, or in the form of juice.
Meat and protein foods include beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, milk, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter, dried beans, and tofu.  These foods provide protein our bodies need to maintain strength and energy, fight infection, and heal itself.
Milk and dairy products provide us with protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and the best sources of calcium, which is essential for healthy bones.

Nutrition in Adult and Childhood Cancer: 

Role of Carcinogens and Anti-carcinogens

Figure 4.
Diagram of food pyramid modified in respect to cancer prevention.

Hình thu nhỏ

Minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals found in nutritious plant based foods work together to provide basic cancer protection. For you smarter ones, please note -- do not go running out to buy expensive supplements as replacements for these nutrients listed below. Artificial supplements are exactly that -- artificial. They often cause adverse reactions, so stay clear of them. 
Young? You can still get Diabetes
Consume leafy veggies and citrus fruit

Young? You can still get Diabetes
Green tea, berries and more

Young? You can still get
By. Smita Singh, Dietitian,

Lưu ý:  Nếu những ai có khả năng cảm xạ (tiếng Pháp: radiesthésie; tiếng Anh: radiesthesia; xuất phát từ tiền tố radi- trong tiếng Latin có nghĩa là “phóng xạ” và từ aisthesis trong tiếng Hy Lạp có nghĩa là “nhạy cảm”), thì việc chon lựa thực phẩm sẽ chính xác, tối ưu hơn.


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