caroline thanh huong

caroline thanh huong


lundi 11 novembre 2013

Cần Giúp Đỡ/ Besoin D'aide

1 commentaire:

  1. Bé Kaitlyn đã bình yên nơi Nước Chúa..

    Cám ơn Hương đã giúp đỡ đưa tin lên blog CatBui.

    Tuy đã tìm ra 2 matches bone marrow nhưng Bé Kaitlyn hết nợ trần đã được Chúa gọi về.

    Cầu nguyện cô Thiên Thần nhỏ bé Kaitlyn luôn bình yên ở Cõi Vĩnh Hằng.


    Dear family and friends,

    With broken hearts, I would like to inform you that this will be the last update on Kaitlyn.

    After a 2 month battle with HLH, Kaitlyn Ho passed away on November 15, at 1230pm. Although her passing came much to soon, it was a beautiful end. She died peacefully in her parents arms in a room full of loved ones and the sun shining on her face.

    Thank you for all your love and support. Let her passing be a reminder to us that life is beautiful and today is all we have.

    Rick and Lee
